Admission Information:

AKMNC admits students every year in different courses. Courses details are given below:

  1. Diploma in Nursing Science & Midwifery 03 years (January to December session in every year depend on govt. circular)
  2. Basic B.Sc in Nursing 04 years (January to December session in every year depend on govt. circular)
  3. Post Basic B.Sc in Nursing 02 years (July to June session in every year depend on govt. circular)

Students must attend DGNM exam. Those students who have passed the DGNM exam can apply for selected course in AKMNC. The Admission schedule may also be known from the admission office, in the leading news paper (Bangladesh Journal) and facebook page (Anwer Khan Modern Nursing College). The students seeking admission should visit website of AKMNC or contact the admission office for admission form and further any information

How to Apply for Admission:

Students can fill-up and submit their admission form on online and paying Tk. 600 for Basic B.Sc in Nursing and Post Basic B.Sc in Nursing Courses and Tk. 600 for Diploma in Nursing Science & Midwifery course

Admission Test

Due to Covid -19 pandemic circumstances no admission test required physically. Candidate will get admission through online or off line by the instruction of the AKMNC admin office.

Admission Requirement :

As per the government circulation AKMNC will publish the admission requirements in their website time to time students are requested to follow the website.

  • The applicant must be a Bangladeshi permanent citizen in good health and unmarried

  • Preference will given to the students with good works in English and Computer knowledge

  • In admission time main mark sheets and certificates of HSC and SSC or equivalent examination should be submitted with two copies photocopy and two copies passport size picture.

  • Students also will submit their admit card and mark sheets of DGNM exam with two copies photocopy

Address for Communication :

Anwer Khan Modern Nursing College

Location: 20, ARA center, Road # 07, Dhanmondi, Dhaka – 1205.

Cell No: 01954404608, 01749266454
