I am Punam Elizabeth Costa, Principal of Anwer khan Modern Nursing collegeI have brought in over 10 years of experience in the nursing field to this position, along with a decade of teaching experience and I have received various training worldwide as well.

I have a strong desire to perform as the best Principal, because I want to ensure the next generation of nurses are extraordinarily prepared to take on complicated challenges facing the world.   I want to work in a such an institution that offers me the opportunity to achieve such a goal, take on interesting and challenging tasks and become a successful leader in the nursing field,  Anwer khan Modern Nursing college is the perfect match for long-term goals what  I believe.

I strongly believe all this formal training has me well prepared to take on this position at Nursing college.

All we know the importance of nursing. Nursing has a significant history that parallels the history of human kind. For as long as there has been the need to seek care and comfort from illness and injury.

From the dawn of civilization, there is evidence that support the premise that the nursing has been essential to the preservation of life.  Nursing is one of the oldest art but it is very young in terms of a profession.Today nursing is different from nursing as it was practiced 50 years ago. Now the nursing is to assist the individual sickness and ensure their wellness. Nursing may be described as a dynamic therapeutic and educative process in meeting health needs of society.

To build up nursing health care professionals, proper training and education is must.

Education is a process which bring desirable change in human behavior. So, we will try to provide an international standard of nursing education here at Anwer Khan Modern Nursing college.We will prepare nursing students with a sound educational programme in nursing and midwifery . We will prepare nursing students to enable them to function as an efficient member of health team beginning with the competency for 1st level of position in all kinds of health care setting.

We will help nursing students to develop ability to cooperate and coordinate with members of the health team in prevention of disease, promotion of health and rehabilitation of sick person.  We will help nursing students with their capacity development so that they will be able to put forward maximum contribution to their society and be a useful and productive individual as well as an efficient nurse.

We will prepare nursing students so that they have solid foundation for further higher education and specialization in Nursing.

A group of highly qualified and motivated professionals’ will provide the knowledge and skills for the students to meet the challenges of health.

We have our own renowned  hospital Anwer khan modern Medical college  and hospital with an excellent administrative setup where student will get a better opportunity for clinical practice which is very needful for country and which have highly  demand in Worldwide.

Our college also situated in main road of Dhanmondi.

So I welcome you to be a very proud Nursing student of prestigious Anwer Khan Modern Nursing college.

Punam Elizabeth Costa


Anwer Khan Modern Nursing College